We have 1 - http://www.gentoo.org/doc/en/nvidia-guide.xml 2 - http://www.gentoo.org/doc/en/xorg-config.xml 3 - http://www.gentoo.org/doc/en/ati-faq.xml If somebody installing gentoo and have nvidia card then he came to 1). a) "1" haven't got link to "2", but "2" -> "1" have, b) "1" reffer to `emerge nvidia-drivers` which will polute world file, c) "1" luck support for VIDEO_CARDS variable.
Thanks for reporting. Fixed in CVS. From the commit logs: nvidia-guide.xml: "update nvidia driver installation instructions, link to xorg-server guide, fix kernel stuff." ati-faq.xml: "clean up the ATI faq, add R800 (evergreen) support info."