Despite what `man dircolors` says the dircolors from the fileutils-4.1.4 package does not acutally support double hypen switches (eg: --sh). The file /etc/skel/.bash_profile has the line: "eval `dircolors --sh`" which causes the error "dircolors: Unknown option --" to be generated at every user login with the default .bash_profile file. The fix is to use the '-b' switch instead which means the same thing as '--sh'.
Try remerging sys-apps/fileutils. It *should* install 4.1.4-r1 by default, which include the updated dircolors that supports zsh, etc. This should also install the updated manpage. the skel files is my fault. I forgot to update them after I updated dircolors. Thanks!
yup, `emerge sys-apps/fileutils/` fixed the man page.