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Bug 3049 - Troubles updating KDE to 3.0.1
Summary: Troubles updating KDE to 3.0.1
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: [OLD] KDE (show other bugs)
Hardware: x86 Linux
: High normal
Assignee: Dan Armak (RETIRED)
Depends on: 2048 2483 2857
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Reported: 2002-05-26 12:17 UTC by Rod Roark
Modified: 2003-02-04 19:42 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

See Also:
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Runtime testing required: ---


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Description Rod Roark 2002-05-26 12:17:03 UTC
Trying to upgrade from KDE 3.0 to 3.0.1...

First problem: 
qt-3.0.4-r1 produces internal compiler errors.
This is on a well-tested Celeron box.
So I masked out the 3.0.4 releases and built qt-

Second problem:
qt- doesn't build because doesn't exist.
Created missing symlink /usr/lib/ pointing to

Third problem:
rpm-4.0.4-r1, required by KDE, doesn't build.
I forget the exact error, some POPT symbol not defined.
So I masked that out and built rpm-4.0.4.
Also had to edit kdeadmin-3.0.1.ebuild to permit this rpm version.
Comment 1 Dan Armak (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2002-05-26 12:29:49 UTC
All these problems have been reported before. First problem is (possibly) bug    
#2048. Second is #2483. Third is (I believe) #2857. Please add yourself to the   
cc: of any bugs whose progress you wish to track and add any relevant   
comments. If these 3 bugs indeed describe your problems, please close this 
Comment 2 Rod Roark 2002-05-26 12:52:42 UTC
I don't think the first problem is #2048.  What I'm 
seeing seems to be specific to qt-3.0.4-r1.  It fails
consistently in the same place, and nothing else I
have built causes this, so a hardware issue seems

Let me add that I also tried changing optimization 
from O3 to O2; while the compile then appeared to go 
to completion, I happened to be watching when another 
internal compiler error happened, without stopping
the build!

You're right about this duplicating #2483 and 2857.
I've changed the title accordingly.
Comment 3 Dan Armak (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2002-05-27 15:00:25 UTC
That's odd, the qt ebuild doesn't take notice of $CXXFLAGS... You say when you 
replaced O3 (whuch I use too btw) with O2 3.0.4-r1 compiled? 
BTW, you talk about 3.0.4-r1 making problems, what about 
Comment 4 Rod Roark 2002-05-27 15:52:48 UTC
I think you can close this, if you cannot reproduce it. It appears to be hardware after all... had a similar problem with "emerge gimp" and it went away with a CPU swap. BTW the version I had a problem with was qt-, not 3.0.4-r1. Sorry to waste your time.