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Bug 302 - iptraf-2.4.0 Can't start rvnamed
Summary: iptraf-2.4.0 Can't start rvnamed
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Current packages (show other bugs)
Hardware: x86 Linux
: Low minor
Assignee: Parag Mehta (RETIRED)
Depends on:
Reported: 2002-01-24 02:54 UTC by Sandy McArthur
Modified: 2003-02-04 19:42 UTC (History)
0 users

See Also:
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Runtime testing required: ---


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Description Sandy McArthur 2002-01-24 02:54:54 UTC
when running iptraf and I choose 'IP traffic monitor' then any of the interface
choices I then get an error saying:
"Can't start rvnamed; lookups will block"

Checking the /usr/share/doc/iptraf-2.4.0/manual.html for rvnamed I find that,
that error message is "probably due to a ban installation."

I did notice that if I manually run rvnamed from the command line, then run
iptraf I don't get that error message which leads me to think that iptraf just
doesn't know how to find rvnamed.
Comment 1 Sandy McArthur 2002-01-24 15:15:34 UTC
Ok the problem is iptraf looks for rvnamed in /usr/local/bin and creating a symlink from 
/usr/local/bin/rvnamed to /usr/bin/rvnamed corrects the problem for now. I'll look into fixing the 
compile part of ebuild script.
Comment 2 Sandy McArthur 2002-01-24 15:39:13 UTC
all that needs to be done to fix is change the src_compile function to:

src_compile() {
        cd src
        emake TARGET="/usr/bin" WORKDIR="/var/lib/iptraf" \
                clean all || die "emake failed"

I'll attach my fixed ebuild script in a min.
Comment 3 Sandy McArthur 2002-01-24 15:45:00 UTC
The create new attachments link didn't work for me. (tried two browsers, one of which I had 
attacted files with before) I'll try again later but it's pretty easy to see how to change from 
comment #2.
Comment 4 Bruce A. Locke (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2002-01-27 11:21:08 UTC
iptraf-2.4.0-r1 fixes this issue and has been checked into CVS.

Closing bug...