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Bug 282503 - sci-chemistry/pymol: stop using scm to fetch non-live ebuilds!
Summary: sci-chemistry/pymol: stop using scm to fetch non-live ebuilds!
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Eclasses (show other bugs)
Hardware: All All
: Highest QA
Assignee: Gentoo Chemistry-Related Packages
Whiteboard: [sci-overlay]
Keywords: InOverlay
Depends on:
Reported: 2009-08-23 21:37 UTC by Diego Elio Pettenò (RETIRED)
Modified: 2009-12-30 19:36 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

See Also:
Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---


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Description Diego Elio Pettenò (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2009-08-23 21:37:24 UTC
You're getting this semi-automated bug report because your package was found to use scm eclasses to download a fixed source file, instead of using proper tarballs in SRC_URI.

This is a violation of QA to keep the package unmasked; please do convert your package to proper tarball. If neither upstream nor the scm service provide downloads, you might have to create the tarball yourself and upload it on the mirrors (scp it to, then using mirror:// .

If the download system does not allow for arbitrarily named tarballs, you can also use the redirection/rename feature of EAPI=2 (-> operator in SRC_URI).

If you're not going to act in one week time (at least by getting the bug assigned), the QA team reserves the right of masking your package.

Note: the exception here is that we spared the straight mask because it's not a live ebuild; live ebuilds _are_ to be masked and have been masked already.

Thank you for your collaboration.
Comment 1 Justin Lecher (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2009-08-24 08:02:11 UTC
fix is in overlay.
Comment 2 Diego Elio Pettenò (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2009-12-29 18:45:10 UTC
Justin, please send me what you need to merge this in tree because if it doesn't get into main tree before the end of the year I'm definitely going to mask this and all the RDEPs recursively.
Comment 3 Diego Elio Pettenò (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2009-12-30 19:36:45 UTC
Thanks Justin, this is in tree, unfortunately the older versions are still around because they are not marked ~ppc :/