With pam_console gone, nothing creates the /var/run/console/<USER> tag files which breaks at least bluez which needs at_console-support in dbus to allow the local user to pair devices using gnome-bluetooth. Until dbus is fixed to use consolekit directly or any other solution gets realized, I'd say we do it like the ubuntu/debian guys and add the pam-foregruond-compat.ck script to /usr/lib/ConseleKit/run-session.d together with the cleanup-patch (for example from http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/c/consolekit/consolekit_0.3-0ubuntu3.diff.gz) to have the tag files generated/cleaned-up automatically.
I'd rather fix the packages still relying on pam_console. pam_console has been removed from the tree months ago because it was just a big hack for what consolekit now does. Also, could you find a reference for this patch on upstream bugzilla ?
The problem is that dbus itself relies on pam_console for the at_console selection for permissions. Here's the upstream bug for this: http://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=14053 The problem I see here is the same mentioned in the bug: dbus issueing a dbus-call for getting the info whether a user is local is a no go. Adding a seperate group for packages using at_console in a dbus-rule to work around at_console sucks as well. We might have to ask upstream (dbus-maintainers) for their plans.
patch and script added to 0.2.10-r1. Thanks for reporting.
This bug seems to be back in sys-auth/consolekit-1. I've reported the new symptoms in bug #571524 .
It has been 7 years, please file a new bug with a link to this one.
ah, already done.