When trying to compile gimp with USE='-gnome' gtk-perl failed to build with the following errors: >>> emerge dev-perl/gtk-perl-0.7008 to / >>> md5 ;-) Gtk-Perl-0.7008.tar.gz >>> Unpacking source... >>> Unpacking Gtk-Perl-0.7008.tar.gz >>> Source unpacked. Can't exec "gnome-config": No such file or directory at Makefile.PL line 141. Can't exec "gdk-pixbuf-config": No such file or directory at Makefile.PL line 141. Can't exec "gnome-config": No such file or directory at Makefile.PL line 141. Can't exec "gnome-config": No such file or directory at Makefile.PL line 141. Submodule gnome is needed to build gnomeprint but it appears it's misdetected or not selected for compilation. Available modules: gtk gtkhtml gtkglarea gdkimlib gdkpixbuf gtkxmhtml gnome gnomeprint applets glade. You can disable the inclusion of a module using --without-pkgname. If a package is misdetected and you still want it to compile use --with-pkgname-force. To disable autodetection of modules use --without-guessing. make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found. Stop. !!! ERROR: The ebuild did not complete successfully. !!! Function src_compile, Line 7, Exitcode 2 !!! (no error message) !!! emerge aborting on /usr/portage/dev-perl/gtk-perl/gtk-perl-0.7008.ebuild . It seems like this line in the ebuild script doesn't evaluete to the right thing: if [ -z "`use gnome`" ] ; then because if I print the myconf variable after the if statement it doesn't contain the "--without-guessing" value it should. I guess it's an easy fix but I haven't dwelled deeper into the ebuild thing yet.
emerge rsync, later versions are changed a lot.