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Bug 16994 - rpm-4.2 ebuild available, but rpm-4.2 is not
Summary: rpm-4.2 ebuild available, but rpm-4.2 is not
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: New packages (show other bugs)
Hardware: All Linux
: High normal
Assignee: Stefan Jones (RETIRED)
Depends on:
Reported: 2003-03-06 18:36 UTC by Mike Williams
Modified: 2003-04-14 11:55 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

See Also:
Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---


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Description Mike Williams 2003-03-06 18:36:19 UTC
The next developmental release will be at: 4.2 (not yet there). The stated early 
(10 November 2002) roadmap for that new release is to include:  
Yet the ebuild is marked at 'unstable'. 
I've marked it as 'unavailable' (-x86) for now 

Reproducible: Always
Steps to Reproduce:
Comment 1 Stefan Jones (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2003-03-07 06:01:59 UTC
I only work on the redhat rawhide srpm.
It is in there current beta distrobution, so couldn't it be in ours?

It is just that rpm-4.0 and rpm-4.1 have problems with gentoo which rpm-4.2 
does not. That is why I added it.

I think it should be in unstable.

Comment 2 SpanKY gentoo-dev 2003-03-07 08:21:41 UTC
so let me see if i get this ... 
an ebuild exists called rpm-4.2 and it has ~x86 
4.2 has not yet been released ... 
the answer (imo) would be to make it like 4.2_pre(some date) ... 
Comment 3 Stefan Jones (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2003-03-07 08:29:59 UTC
The tarball in the rpm-4.2.0 srpm is called rpm-4.2.0.tar.gz
It has been released by Redhat in it's beta release (Pheobe I think) and in rawhide.

It has not been anounced at as I guess it is a Redhat puppet and 
they are waiting till the next major Redhat release.

I don't think the the rpm source will change due to the naming of the tarball 
in the srpm. No datestamp or pre suffix.

If the offical rpm release at changes the tarball then I will have
to do a -r1 release, but I doubt it. I think they are just sitting on it.

Comment 4 Marc Chabrol 2003-03-08 01:42:40 UTC
Moreover,  the release of rpm 4.2 on Gentoo 1.2 gives the following emerge error:

 # emerge -p -u world

These are the packages that I would merge, in order:

Calculating world dependencies |
!!! all ebuilds that could satisfy "dev-libs/elfutils" have been masked.
!!!    (dependency required by "app-arch/rpm-4.2" [ebuild])

as rpm depends on elfutils which is masked on 1.2 as itself depends on gcc 3.2.

Probably rpm 4.2 should stay out of 1.2 profile until this dependency is fixed.
Comment 5 Stefan Jones (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2003-03-08 04:44:17 UTC
rpm 4.2 is now out of 1.2, thanks for catching this.

And I now believe you that the rpm tarball is a prerelease version.
Someone on the rpm email list said that rawhide versions are snapshots.
As such it should have _pre??????
Might change it one day .... but I don't know the snapshot's datestamp.
Comment 6 SpanKY gentoo-dev 2003-03-08 23:58:05 UTC
well then make the datestamp up :) 
i'm not kidding ... just stamp it the day you commit the ebuild ... 
Comment 7 Mike Williams 2003-03-09 00:07:34 UTC
I see I was a little quick off the mark! 
rpm-4.2.tar.gz is out in the wild now (got it from an ibiblio mirror). 
There is still a problem with the ebuild, the SRC_URI is wrong, doesn't 
have a /pub/rpm/dist/rpm-4.2.x directory. 
My comment on marking it as unavailable was due to over half a dozen mirrors I 
tried at the time not having the file, and the SRC_URI pointing to an unreleased 
version at the maintainer. 
Comment 8 Stefan Jones (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2003-04-14 11:55:08 UTC
I have removed the ebuild and put in a new one called _pre069
based on rpm-4.2-0.69.src.rpm which shipped with RH 9.0
