Per an inappropriate and off handed rant on my part on a public list, the following are the dev-perl ebuilds that could use some x86 loving. A follow up bug for perl-core and misc is coming. I understand from tove that you don't like comparing to what other arch's do, but this was the simplest way to get a list of what the latest stable in general is vs. x86. (about 200+)
Created attachment 111947 [details] dev-perl list Sorry, the list was too long to post in a comment block.
Some perl-core ebuilds will also have to be done along with these, as dependencies. I'm still going through the list and will begin testing soon.
This is the list of additional deps. I have picked versions with 30+ days in stable, except for two or three packages, which lacked two days to reach this period. =dev-perl/Test-Deep-0.096 =dev-perl/Test-NoWarnings-0.083 =dev-perl/Test-Tester-0.104 =virtual/perl-Sys-Syslog-0.18 =perl-core/Sys-Syslog-0.18 =dev-perl/Mail-ListDetector-0.34 =dev-perl/Email-Abstract-2.13.1 =dev-perl/Email-Simple-1.996 =dev-perl/Module-Pluggable-3.5 =dev-perl/PAR-Dist-0.21 =dev-perl/IO-Interface-1.03 =dev-perl/Template-XML-2.16-r1 =dev-perl/DateTime-Format-W3CDTF-0.04 =dev-perl/DateTime-Format-Mail-0.30 =virtual/perl-IO-1.23.01 =perl-core/IO-1.23.01 =dev-perl/PodToHTML-0.05 =dev-perl/Cairo-1.02.2
DBD-mysql-3.00008 Template-GD-2.66 Template-Toolkit-2.15-r1 DBD-Pg-1.49 Template-Latex-2.17 Template-XML-2.16-r1 Template-DBI-2.64 have been stabled on x86 in connection with bugzilla 2.22.2
Ok, everything in the list marked stable, except following: =dev-perl/Lingua-Stem-0.82 =dev-perl/Plucene-1.25 =dev-perl/ImageInfo-1.23 =dev-perl/Mail-SPF-Query-1.999.1 =dev-perl/VCP-autrijus-0.9_p20050110-r1 =dev-perl/Inline-Java-0.51 =dev-perl/Test-WWW-Mechanize-1.12 =dev-perl/Tk-TableMatrix-1.2.2 Those packages have blocker bugs opened.
ticho, you have rocked my gentoo world, thank you!
(In reply to comment #6) > ticho, > you have rocked my gentoo world, thank you! mcummings, he told you, that x86 is fast...we just need a filled form to start working. :)
OK, a status check. Three packages left for stabilization: =dev-perl/ImageInfo-1.23 - fails tests, I believe Michael is looking at it =dev-perl/Mail-SPF-Query-1.999.1 - fails tests, I am not sure what should be done here =dev-perl/Inline-Java-0.51 - fails building if no JDK is selected, just a JRE - should probably use better VM check
Ok, Inline-Java is done - two packages left: =dev-perl/ImageInfo-1.23 - fails tests, I believe Michael is looking at it =dev-perl/Mail-SPF-Query-1.999.1 - fails tests, I am not sure what should be done here
Both packages pass the test suite on both my stable boxes, unlike before - marked stable, and we're done here! See you in next round of "x86 vs. perl" celebrity deathmatch! :)