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Bug 1168 - KDEDIR not set correctly
Summary: KDEDIR not set correctly
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: [OLD] KDE (show other bugs)
Hardware: x86 Linux
: High normal
Assignee: Dan Armak (RETIRED)
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Reported: 2002-03-15 17:25 UTC by Avi Schwartz
Modified: 2003-02-04 19:42 UTC (History)
0 users

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Runtime testing required: ---


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Description Avi Schwartz 2002-03-15 17:25:29 UTC
KDEDIR is set to /usr rather then /usr/kde/2 causing a problem to non-gentoo
builds that need KDEDIR to point to the root of the KDE installation (for
example looking for the header files).
Comment 1 Dan Armak (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2002-03-27 17:41:43 UTC
I don't really see how/why this would happen, but in any case I created a new revision (r4) of 
kdelibs-2.2.2 recently that might well fix this problem since the chnges were pertaining to the nv.d 
files. Please emerge it and check if KDEDIR still isn't set correctly. 
Comment 2 Avi Schwartz 2002-03-27 20:59:07 UTC
Now KDEDIR is set to /opt/kde2,1 but the problem is not with kdelibs.
I think the problem is not with kdelibs but rather with kde-env-2.1-r1.  It
installs /etc/env.d/90kde21 which includes the line:


The problem is with the naming of the files.  90kde21 comes (alphabetically)
after    90kde2.2.2 and therefore takes precedence.

Is it safe to unmerge kde-base/kde-env-2.1-r1?
Comment 3 Avi Schwartz 2002-03-27 21:51:53 UTC
It is getting stranger by the minute.

  grep 'KDEDIR' /etc/env.d



Seems that the only correct one is 40kdedir-2.2.2.

Case of too many cooks in the kitchen ;-)
Comment 4 Dan Armak (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2002-03-28 03:23:56 UTC
Aha! So that's the problem!  Please unmerge kde-env. It's for kde2.1 (backward support) and is very much deprecated.  The only two files about kde you should have in env.d are, for kdelibs-2.2.2-r4, 70kdelibs-2.2.2 and 40kdeedir-2.2.2. Please delete everything else, wherever it may have come from.  Then run env-update and that should fix all your problems.  Did you emerge kde-env yourself for some reason, or was it actually pulled in by another package? 
Comment 5 Avi Schwartz 2002-03-28 08:29:06 UTC
This indeed worked.  I don't recall installing kde-env by myself, but then I
might have :-(