Emerging Galculator installs it with the icon gnome-calc2.png. Unfortunatly I don't have anything installed that actually puts the gnome-calc2.png on my system. Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce: 1.emerge -av galculator Actual Results: galculator under xfce4.2 atleast doesn't have an icon Expected Results: galculator under xfce4.2 should have an icon It appears that the galculator e-build either assumes all gnome icon's are installed or forgets to copy it from ... somewhere. I'd suggest make a copy of the gnome-calc2.png and put it under 'files' as galculator.png. This atleast until galculator has it's own icon?
It is actually in: gnome-base/gnome-desktop-2.10.2 (/usr/share/pixmaps/gnome-calc2.png) Thanks, I'll fix this shortly.
as long as you don't make it depend on gnome/gnome-desktop : )
Hi There, I know this bug is old, but it's a minor change being requested. Any chance someone could give galculator some love (and an icon in our menus) for us users? Thanks and regards, Joshua
I suggest you file a bug with upstream so that they ship and translate their own .desktop file, along with an icon. Having galculator depping on gnome-desktop is plain silly. Please post the link here if you open a bug in gnome's bugzilla Thanks :)
Posted a 'bug' upstream: https://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=1702178&group_id=80471&atid=559874 Cheers, Josh
Fixed in -r1, thanks.